Stories's Log |
This log represents the Life and Times of the Las Vegas Dude. |
04/27/2004 12:00:14 jim Gabriel,NV-Carport,Yard-Robert,Joy,David,Jim | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
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04/27/2004 09:46:41 jim Still sore from Saturday’s fiasco. | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
I shared dreams with Becky about becoming campground hosts, she likes the idea. I may shoot for it. Talked to Sonny, he's always full of surprises, but that is a whole nutha story. Ricco came over, we shared lots of laughs. Went to the store for everything needed to make fruit smoothies. YUM! |
04/25/2004 15:18:25 jim All sore today from moving and other things | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
.We had corned beef hash and eggs for breakfast, and TV's been excellent! |
04/24/2004 15:16:46 jim The yard sale was a successs. | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Today's yardsale was a success. We made $280 and cleared this place out nicely. Everything went well except for J having a seizure. That sucked. Stupid hangovers. Becky and I went over to Patti's, Tom's, Chuck's, and Sharon's and I bought pizza. It turned out to be an okay day. |
04/24/2004 01:11:47 jim Beeper died. | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Sorry to hear about Jerry Newberrys "Beeper" dying. That cute little must have been 20 years old. Wow. |
04/24/2004 01:10:42 jim Well, I moved my blog...haha. | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
Well, I moved my blog...haha. I suppose I was saying some pretty odd things on it. But besides that, I pretty much have half of my life documented to the day already. And what can I say, I've had pretty much and odd life. |
04/23/2004 16:52:51 jim The yard sale is on! | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Ahhh...already sold a DVD player and an entertainment center, and the yard sale hasn't even started. |
04/23/2004 10:02:51 Becky Good Morning my love | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Good Morning my love...It look's like a beautiful day today. I hope we do well on the Yard Sale this weekend. It will be lot's of fun!!!:). I plan to write a letter to Renee today. I love you kisses Becky
04/23/2004 09:46:52 jim My only hope is that these blog entries entertain. | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Oh, by the way...for anybody that reads this blog, please note it's a log/chat room kind of thing. Life is like a soap opera of sorts. My only hope is that the entries entertain. Whether it's depressing, enlightening, or laughable, it's just a statement of life while we pass through it. I invite anybody to make entries in it. This site is in no way for profit, it's not advertised, and you won't find it from a search engine, so it's safe. |
04/23/2004 09:40:15 jim BIG YARD SALE This weekend only! | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Prepping up for a BIG YARD SALE This weekend only!, so if anyone out there wants any furniture, 007 type toys, camera's or computer stuff, stop on by! You can't miss the signs! |
04/16/2004 04:20:31 jim You know you might be a has been when... | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
You know you might be a has been when...people don't reply to your emails, interviews don't get responses, and in a five minute conversation you let yourself get talked down from making $140,000 to $70,000 a year. It feels lonely here at the bottom. |
04/15/2004 14:00:20 jim PlaneCombat,NV-Jim,Becky | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
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04/15/2004 12:18:23 jim Well, I’m here...hungover. | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Well, I'm here...hungover. Once again I earned it. MY HEAD FEELS LIKE IT'S SPLITTING. I hit 4 deuces last night ($200). Now, I don't gamble that much, but I figure the odds of getting 4 deuces on a Deuces Wild Machine are about 1,000,000,000,000,000 to 1. So, I got lucky. Such is life. :) |
04/15/2004 12:00:31 jim Vegas,NV-PlaneCombat-Jim,Becky | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
04/15/2004 08:35:41 Becky I hope I haven’t disappointed you for loseing my j | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Hey Babe Sorry about this mornigng. I care for you very much. You are most important to me. Where ever you go I will be with you. I hope I haven't disappointed you for loseing my job? I know thing's will work out for us. I love you very very much. Hugs & Kisses Becky |
04/14/2004 12:13:09 jim I talked to my CPA today | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
As self interest goes, I talked to my CPA today, and I had him file an extension on 2004 taxes. He said he was going away after April 15th...for about a week. As self interest goes, with me focused on my own world and all, I didn't even offer him the courteousy of asking him where he's going. I suck! He's going to Hawaii! Yahoo! Ocean temp of 82 skys now...hopefully, it'll be the best time of his life. I wish Phil Adams the best of times |
04/14/2004 10:18:53 jim I keep a diary and this BLOG (notes) | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
I keep a diary and this BLOG (notes) for a good reason. I like to read it and laugh about down times and up times. Either way, it's like talking to a Guru. I get advice on things. And I can review the results of that advice! It's so much better than a psychic hotline. I've lived with the results. :) |
04/14/2004 10:14:36 jim This website will outlive me | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Another OH BOY just occurred to me. This website will outlive me. |
04/14/2004 00:01:40 jim Gabriel,NV-Kitchen,Strip-Becky,Skip | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
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04/13/2004 17:13:53 jim Somebody is saying things about me on the internet | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
OK..somebody's saying things about me on the internet...MUST BE!!! I keep getting Emails for Viagra, making my pecker 3 inches longer, growing back my hair, removing ear and nose hair, pharmaceuticals...and just lately, eliminating TOENAIL FUNGUS!!! #1 - I don't want to look like a horney ape. #2 - If I had Toenail Fungus, I'd go to the Pharmacy, not to my email browser. Jeese!!! Who's talking about me...fess up!!! |
04/13/2004 11:40:02 jim I never made it to Bruces viewing | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
As it turns out, I never made it to Bruce's viewing. Instead, I swung by Missy's house. Somehow, that just seemed much more important. I had a great time...but I had to pick up Becky from the Blue Ox at 8pm. Blue Ox let Becky go today. Becky's feelings were crushed. I typed up a Letter of Appreciation for Becky this morning - to thank everyone there for their kindness and support. In this town, you never burn your bridges. You always smile, and walk away. With any luck, the people she met there will help her find her next job. At any rate, being nice in Las Vegas always pays off. |
04/12/2004 16:57:15 jim I’m headed to Bruce’s viewing | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
I'm headed to Bruce's viewing. It's sad to me that people treat death with mourning, instead of with celebration for that persons life. The Druid's Halloween (no, it's not a Christian holiday, and neither is Easter), the Mexican "Dia de los Muertos" --Day of the Dead, and so many other cultures celebrate the life and death as a secular event, Some believe death is not related to any religion, it is instead, related to life on this planet. (I kind of like the Druids way of thinking). But if people actually believed the dead have gone to a better place...shouldn't they be celebrating...or is the crying and mourning a selfish act? |
04/12/2004 08:55:36 jim Becky, Patty and I played Bingo at Sam’s Town. | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Becky, Patty and I played Bingo at Sam's Town. WE DIDN'T WIN! YEAH! I figure if I go in wishing I lose instead of win, I'll be elated everytime! It works! Bruces viewing is today from 12p-7p at Palm Mortuary on Main St. |
04/11/2004 14:37:38 jim Selling stuff right and left | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Life's a hoot. I picked up a computer hutch and a Entertainment Center the other day for $30. The retail value is $250, so I spent a couple of hours refurbishing it. The hutch is already sold!!! In other news, I'm going to let Becky drive to work from now on (of course, I'll be riding shotgun). This truck is my last vehicle, so, wish me luck! I guess when Becky passes her driving test, I'll need to spring for another car. If anyone out there has a good deal on a vehicle, EMail me. Guess I'll get a birthday present when I'm sixty. haha. I bought a tent for myself this year, and at this rate, it'll be my next home! March and April will be my all time high for expenditures. But on the other hand, I love camping...I wanna go right now. I guess if that's the worst that can happen, GREAT! I just wish Rob had looked at life the way I do.Merrily merrily merrily, life is but a breeze! *smiles* |
04/11/2004 04:52:41 jim Vegas newbees always amaze me | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Vegas newbees...They always amaze me with their systems, terminology, and energy. Las Vegas owes its livelyhood to them. Vegas flourishes during a recession. Why? Because, what Vegas sells isn't so much the entertainment, gambling or hospitality. What Vegas sells is HOPE! This gambling mecca offers the chance for an anybody to become a somebody. During depressed times, Vegas offers a fair chance at something better. Without winners this town would be doomed. So, the next time you see a billboard showing Billy Bob with his $1,000,000 jackpot from the Rock Bottom Casino, think about what it's really saying about you, that is, if you want to be like him. |
04/10/2004 13:04:52 jim In memory of Bruce McCann | Sat |||||||||||||||||||
October 25, 1950 to April 6, 2004. Bruce and I were Rob Allred's (deceased 12/30/2003) best friends. We didn't hang out much, but Bruce was a very good person. He seemed to live his life in solitude, only letting a few select people in. And I hope, in his mansion of glory on the other side, Bruce will let me in with open arms. Bruce had a very distinct personality and he will be missed. |
04/09/2004 01:47:17 jim I deleted some of my previous notes. | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
I deleted some of my previous notes. I said some things about Becky's Mom and brother. I apologize for saying bad things about these two people. I should only say good things about other people. I should remain quiet about the bad, and evil deeds of others...because bad deeds are contagious, and evil thrives on exposure. |
04/09/2004 00:05:30 jim I215,NV-DrivingAround-Jim,Becky | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
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04/08/2004 17:52:27 jim Tonight is Beckys last graveyard shift. | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Ahhhh..Becky just woke up...She slept 7 hours, and I slept 2. Her first night on graveyard was pretty slow. I went by and visited around 5am and about fell asleep myself! Tonight's her last graveyard shift. Yahoo! |
04/08/2004 02:50:36 jim Rob once told me I am going to hell | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
I've been up all night, waiting for Becky to get off at the Blue Ox. I need to air some things. Is life a test? Of course it is. If mankind doesn't fit in with nature, our species will become extinct. Plain and simple. About on Heaven and Hell Rob once told me that I'm a good man, but I'm going to Hell. I told Rob I've never stole, I've never killed or hurt any animal or person, and I don't believe in Hell. But if I had my choice between Heaven and Hell, I would choose to go to Hell, because Hell is where good people could do the most good. About being saved by the Church If confession in Church gets us into Heaven, everyone should poison themselves just before being reborn/saved. Since suicide is a sin, it would be forgiven. We'd lock in Heaven before having a chance to sin again. The Easter Bunny was invented by the Devil I researched Easter. Easter was the holiday to honor the Pagan God Estra, long before Jesus. Estra was the God of new life - the vernal-equinox (spring)...her symbols were the hare and the egg. |
04/07/2004 08:03:03 jim Up 10 minutes. Already arguing. | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Well, this day has started off sucky and I've been up 10 minutes. Already arguing. My step brother want's me to buy some hedge trimmers so he can trim my trees some more. I own a chain saw, my neighbors have hedge why the hell would I buy something like that when I'm unemployed. He implied I'm cheap. My home is a strange place to live right now. He also told me I told him not to dig up these palm trees growing everywhere in my back yard. I'm thinking WHAT! You think I said what! So, now, I'm recording conversations. I love my step-brother, but I hate arguing. |
04/06/2004 12:00:02 jim Vegas,NV-BreakfastNook-UglyCake | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
04/05/2004 20:00:56 jim Thunderstorms, Dustin and Skip (wrong date here) | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Todays Highlights - Thunderstorms with Pouring Rains, Flooded streets followed by a Wide Rainbow It rained outside for about 40 minutes. During that time it poured. Dusting, Jennifer, Becky and I went for a ride in it. Desert storms are so confined. We were on our way to Vo Tech Hill to watch the lightning show and drove out of the storm on the way. Then I made a u-turn, and drove back INTO the storm. The truck glided through the flood waters like a boat. People were playing in the instant rivers. The lightning put on quite a show too. In a short period of time, we had floods, pouring rain, lightning, thunder and in an instant, it was all gone. The only reminders we had that it ever happened were a rainbow, and sand trails left on the streets. Pretty cool. Dustin was a pain today. I laid into him Everytime I noticed him, he's doing something disgusting. He was bored, and was laying belly down on the floor, kicking his feet, with his hands between his legs. I told him how it looked, but he kept doing it. (He did it in front of the school on the sidewalk, Monday). I raised my voice and he kept doing it. Skip and I were talking about 99c shrimp cocktails. If you've ever been to Vegas, you'd know that they are a specialty here. Dustin walks into me from behind. Then I apologized for hitting him with my butt when he walked into me. Skip and I resumed talking, and Dustin steps between us and says Jim, they say, um, gas is cheaper now than ever. I reprimanded him. I asked Becky to help me with Dustin. She should use her laptop's power to research ways to help him. She finds a quiz on manners. Dustin wanted to play, and he sat table with us, put his feet up on the seat and started picking his nose. I blew up! He picks his nose in my truck, at the dinner table, in the stores. This kid is just nasty. He's eleven years old and still holds his silverware like an ape. I showed him again, for the Nth time He just doesn't learn. I told Dustin, either he listens, uses good manners, and tells the truth or when we visit his grandmother tommorrow, we're leaving him with her. I meant it too. I don't know about Dustin. Either he's just stupid, in which case, he belongs in a cage, or he's rebellious in which case, he needs a good spanking. This being nice crap...trying to talk to him doesn't sink in. He doesn't listen. |
04/05/2004 19:18:07 jim Another frustrating day | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Another frustrating day. Washed clothes...was making lunch when Becky got called in an hour early...lunch was scrapped. Came home with 3 goals for today...finish the breakfast nook, put my laptop back together and research some jobs. NONE GOT DONE! Arguments and interuptions went on all day long. I did talk to Ida for about 1 hour today and that made my day. I think I'm totally losing focus... |
04/04/2004 07:14:35 jim Daylight Savings Time again | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
It's Daylight Saving Time, not Daylight Savings Time...which sounds like a sale that ends when the sun comes up. Ahhhhh, Benjamin Franklins legacy to the world has kicked in. Arizona, Hawaii, and Indiana are the only states to don't honor DST. In fact, Indiana honors three time zones. So, whatever you think about DST, be glad your not a Hoosier! |
04/04/2004 07:08:00 jim Becky’s second day at Blue Ox | Sun |||||||||||||||||||
Becky's second day at Blue Ox was a success! She made good tips but she busted ass for them. After her 9 hour day, we went to Joe's Crab Shack and promptly spent her tips. She served 20 meals and we ate just one. was a success! She made good tips but she busted ass for them. After her 9 hour day, we went to Joe's Crab Shack and promptly spent her tips. She served 20 meals and we ate just one. |
04/02/2004 20:39:27 jim Becky worked today from 8am to 2pm | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Becky worked today from 8am to 2pm, then 5pm to 8pm. I got up this morning at 7am. Made coffee, took Becky to work, bought groceries, this that and the other happened and another day has shot to hell! Such is the life...I love it! |
04/02/2004 12:00:18 jim Vegas,NV-Gabriel-Welcoming Carport | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
04/02/2004 00:12:53 jim Becky starts at the Blue Ox tommorrow! | Fri |||||||||||||||||||
Becky starts at the Blue Ox tommorrow! Yea! However, we had to get Health and Tam cards today. The Health District clerk said Becky needed an unlaminated Social Security card, so we went (at 80mph) to the SS Dept which took an hour. Then we came back (at 80mph). While we were there, I talked to a guy who got his Health card that very same day. He showed me his LAMINATED SS card. He saw a different clerk.Go Figure. We ended up going (at 80mph) to the Tam card place. When we got home at 8pm, Robert, Joy and one of their friends greeted us with a busted PC, so I fixed it. At 10pm, Becky and I went to Walmart to get work clothes. We just got done....Pheweeee!!! I need a race car!!! Yea! However, we had to get Health and Tam cards today. The Health District clerk said Becky needed an unlaminated Social Security card, so we went (at 80mph) to the SS Dept which took an hour. Then we came back (at 80mph). While we were there, I talked to a guy who got his Health card that very same day. He showed me his LAMINATED SS card. He saw a different clerk.Go Figure. We ended up going (at 80mph) to the Tam card place. When we got home at 8pm, Robert, Joy and one of their friends greeted us with a busted PC, so I fixed it. At 10pm, Becky and I went to Walmart to get work clothes. We just got done....Pheweeee!!! I need a race car!!! |
04/01/2004 18:00:10 jim F150,NV-Becky,Skip,Jim,Statosphere | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
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04/01/2004 11:05:35 jim Becky looks good for a waitress job at Blue Ox | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
Well, as it turns out, Becky looks good for a waitress job at Blue Ox. It really pays to drink at Vegas bars. Yesterday, I introduced Becky and my brother to Steve. He's the Blue Ox owner's right hand man. I'd have to bet that Becky, Skip and I will be running all over today and tommorrow getting Health Cards, TAMs Cards(Techniques of Alcohol Management) and possibly Sheriffs Cards. To work at a Vegas bar, you need at a minimum, these cards. But as everyone here knows, it's all about the FEES you pay. It has very little to do with making Vegas a better place. |
04/01/2004 10:55:37 jim I dreamt Sonny was in a fire at the Frontier | Thu |||||||||||||||||||
I dreamt Sonny was in a fire at the Frontier...turns out he was!!! I must have heard about the fire on the news last night while someone was talking to me. Sometimes I think the subconscious absorbs everything around us, just to play it back in REM sleep. |
03/31/2004 22:44:47 jim Forty-Eight...Feels So Great... | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Lets go out and Celebrate!!! Today was a very good day for this old-timer. |
03/31/2004 20:21:35 jim From Pamela in Hawaii | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM 48TH.....AND YOUR LOOKING GREAT!!!!!!!!!! Have fun!!!!!!!!!! |
03/31/2004 14:32:49 Becky It’s Jim’s Birthday today. | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
Happy Birthday My love. |
03/31/2004 00:00:07 jim Gabriel,NV-BDay-Sonny,Jim,Becky | Wed |||||||||||||||||||
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03/30/2004 20:02:00 jim Happy Birthday Dinner at Outback | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
I just had my Happy Birthday Dinner at Outback!!! Shrimp and Steak has been added to my waistline! Becky had Parmesan Shrimp Pasta, but neither of us could come close to finishing our meals. I'll be a 48 years old tommorrow. Dirty Old Men ROCK! Three snaps and a clap for testosterone!!! |
03/30/2004 10:20:27 jim 15 year old kids steal Identities by raiding mailb | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Ahhh...a newspaper article that applies to me: It's a paper crime so nobody even goes to jail. Last year, my Identity was used twice for purchases. And what was so funny: people with their mailbox located on the sidewalk assumed my ID was stolen from the internet. I figured it was stolen from my mailbox, and explained, you walk up, raid a mailbox, record the numbers at home, then put the mail BACK into the mailbox, and perhaps wait 2 weeks for the owner to activate their cards. Both my checking account and credit card were used in purchases, so my mailbox had to be raided. Easy, stupid, and so simple it's actually genius! |
03/30/2004 09:37:19 jim Even though I should be qualified | Tue |||||||||||||||||||
Even though I am probably over qualified for working at Visa, they may toss my resume out because I honestly don't remember if I've dealt with a certain protocol or device. It's so strange, when I hear employers ask questions like, have you ever worked with an Okidata printer. I want to say, um, I've worked with 100s of printers, does this printer write on air, chisel stone or do something different? |
03/29/2004 11:30:24 jim Another hit from Visa | Mon |||||||||||||||||||
Well, here we go again. I got a hit on my resume from Visa. If I get it, I'll be a Coloradan next week! YIPEE!!! Honestly, it never works like that though. They want you tommorrow, and you get there in 2 weeks. What amazes me is how fast things work off of the net. I've spent maybe 8 hours futzing with my Resume for this type of position or that, and spent maybe 2 hours submitting it to different places. Next thing I know, my phone number is the most popular number in the world! Then, nothing, at least so far. But all I need, is just one good hit to be in business again. :) |
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