Selling stuff right and left
Life's a hoot. I picked up a computer hutch and a Entertainment Center the other day for $30. The retail value is $250, so I spent a couple of hours refurbishing it. The hutch is already sold!!!
In other news, I'm going to let Becky drive to work from now on (of course, I'll be riding shotgun). This truck is my last vehicle, so, wish me luck! I guess when Becky passes her driving test, I'll need to spring for another car.
If anyone out there has a good deal on a vehicle, EMail me.
Guess I'll get a birthday present when I'm sixty. haha. I bought a tent for myself this year, and at this rate, it'll be my next home! March and April will be my all time high for expenditures. But on the other hand, I love camping...I wanna go right now. I guess if that's the worst that can happen, GREAT!
I just wish Rob had looked at life the way I do.Merrily merrily merrily, life is but a breeze! *smiles*
Sunday, April 11, 2004 2:37:38 PM, From: jim, To: Stories