Stories's Log
This log represents the Life and Times of the Las Vegas Dude.
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04/18/2009 23:59:18
 jim  Louisville Thunder Crowds
04/18/2009 21:32:21
 jim  Thunder Over Louisville - Fireworks
04/18/2009 18:48:12
 jim  Louisville-The Friedrichs Clan
04/18/2009 17:59:46
 jim  Louisville-The Camp
From Saturday to Sunday
We cherished the festivities. Becky and I drove 6 hours from Pittsburgh. Most of the Fredrichs clan drove 12 hours from Wisconsin. The partying, fireworks, variety of people, airshow, and just being in Louisville made this occasion a very special event. Even the guy who came by and broke my truck added a special spice when he said "I fixed your truck". I loved it, and the Fredrichs have become sort of a family to me.
04/18/2009 17:00:44
 jim  Louisville Thunder Bldgs
04/18/2009 14:26:20
 jim  Louisville Thunder Baseball
04/18/2009 11:54:52
 jim  Louisville Air Show-20090418
04/18/2009 08:22:50
 jim  Louisville Trip
04/18/2009 08:22:50
 jim   (Reply).Louisville Trip
Sorry I haven't gotten more pictures out yet. They will come.
04/18/2009 08:22:50
 chez2199   (Reply).Louisville Trip
Thunder was the deal.. Perfect weather for the day of the event!!!  Out in the beatiful sun all day game of baseball, airshow and ooh by the way.. the best fireworks show in the nation!!!
04/18/2009 02:59:40
 jim  More Louisville Pix - From Rod
04/17/2009 01:01:01
 jim  Thunder Over Louisville
Thunder Over Louisville kicks off the Kentucky Derby on 4/18/2009. It is one of the top 10 events to see in the US.
Over 500,000 thrill seeking people are expected to show up for the event.
This calendared Stories is here to remind me to plan on going to the events.
Rod's family is coming, and I'm pretty sure everyone sets up on a camping area near the river.
04/15/2009 18:53:20
 jim  Homestead Square-20090415
04/13/2009 17:54:19
 jim  Pittsburgh FoxAndHound-20090413
04/12/2009 12:52:32
 jim  A Cranberry Easter-20090412
04/07/2009 03:49:40
 jim  Wexford Snow Again-20090408
04/06/2009 20:41:20
 becky  My Son, Dustin
He's is leaving home to join the Job Corps Program.
I'm so proud of him.
He's growing up to be a man. I read about the program and it sound's like a great opportunity. I love you Dustin and I will miss you. I know this is going to be a real change in your life. I know in my heart that you will do fine.
Have a great time in Reno.
It is a cool place.
 Kisses & Hugs
Love You
From Jim

Hey Dustin, I never had a son,
but if I did, he wouldn't be as buck ugly as you are.
haha...just kidding.
You know you're cute (especially when you're being tickled...with those arms and legs flying all around everywhere).
I'm already missing hanging out with you guys on the weekends.
I'm missing all those day trips we took. And I'm missing the camping.
All those good times will go with you when you leave for Reno.
And those memories, along with a piece of my heart, will go with you too.
I had a great time watching you grow up.
Love ya,
04/06/2009 20:36:11
 becky  Snowing Here In Pa
I can't believe I'm seeing snow in April here. We had snow flurries today.
Getting more for the next two day's. I don't remember seeing snow in the
spring time. It is beautiful here when you see the snow flakes coming down.
I can't wait till it gets warm.
04/05/2009 21:00:22
 jim  For Dustin - So Long. We Love you.
Best of Luck in Job Corps
I'm sure we'll be coming by to visit you!
04/05/2009 17:10:38
 jim  Pittsburgh OliveGarden-20090405
04/05/2009 00:00:00
 jim  Happy Birthday - Jen
04/03/2009 04:51:18
 jim  Rainy Day Birds - Cardinal, Robin
03/31/2009 14:19:06
 jim  Cranberry Atrias-20090331
03/31/2009 13:40:52
Today is Jim's birthday he is turning 21 (LOL). Three of Jim's co worker's are joining us at
Atrias restruant at 5pm. This should be fun.
03/31/2009 06:00:00
 jim  Wexford Apt Backyard-20081105

Bet you didn't expect to see my pic
with these trees! We've seen almost all of the seasons in Pittsburgh this year. I'll put some summer pix in this spot later.
Meanwhile, its my Birthday today
Yea, thats right! Spank me baby!
Gimme 53 and 1 to think about.
03/31/2009 06:00:00
 SAE   (Reply).Wexford Apt Backyard-20081105
53? But you are 57....
03/31/2009 06:00:00
 Guest   (Reply).Wexford Apt Backyard-20081105
good morning jim,happy b-day,are you guy's going to be out somewhere today or later this week? would love to buy some drinks,please let me know,larry (aka-drstem)...
03/29/2009 09:31:50
 jim  Wexford Apt Robin-20090329
03/26/2009 18:20:46
 jim  Life as always is good
As I was working with a fellow Support person (in training) today, a problem came up. We used my new Support Menu to check it out, which resolved the problem quick.
That was cool.
Also, his boss borrowed my electric cigarette to show other people.
He's all enthused. I told him, hey, you have an S-Corp in PA, I have one in NV, I also have the paper work, Lets market this thing!!!
I know I've when I've seen something good, and my electric cigarette is one of my latest gadgets.
Its pretty much unknown to the US, and there is no marketting for it yet. So, we could be on the ground floor.
On the other hand, I really like the way things are now. I wonder what I'd be if I had a lot of money.
We could get rich off of this thing...we're both go-getters as the term used to go. But...
Someone has to turn on the ignition and take the wheel.
03/26/2009 17:29:54
 jim  Cranberry BarLouie-20090326

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