Life as always is good
As I was working with a fellow Support person (in training) today, a problem came up. We used my new Support Menu to check it out, which resolved the problem quick.
That was cool.
Also, his boss borrowed my electric cigarette to show other people.
He's all enthused. I told him, hey, you have an S-Corp in PA, I have one in NV, I also have the paper work, Lets market this thing!!!
I know I've when I've seen something good, and my electric cigarette is one of my latest gadgets.
Its pretty much unknown to the US, and there is no marketting for it yet. So, we could be on the ground floor.
On the other hand, I really like the way things are now. I wonder what I'd be if I had a lot of money.
We could get rich off of this thing...we're both go-getters as the term used to go. But...
Someone has to turn on the ignition and take the wheel.
Thursday, March 26, 2009 6:20:46 PM, From: jim, To: Stories