Bark from outside Baton Rouge LA...
And LA here stands for Louisiana, not my normal Los Angeles...
Today I drive to Gainsville, Florida. Its about a 7 to 8 hour drive. Then Sunday, I finish off with an easy 2 hour drive.
No, I visited the Fly's in Tempe, AZ. But not the one in Phoenix. They are about 28 miles apart.
The next Fly's I considered, and made a mild attempt to visit was in Houston.
Found NASA and a bunch load of flighter jets flying above my head, but no Fly's store. I could not afford the time or energy to find it.
This NYer I worked with in San Francisco in 2000/2001 was frieghtened of fighter jets. When the Navy's Blue Angels flew over our building at work in SF, he almost started to cry in fear. Those flying over me in Houston weren't the most elite, like the Blue Angels, or the AF's show group (it's too early, I can't remember their name). But they might have been astronauts, so I'll give them some extra credit.
Super Bark.... I like fighter jets and space craft...
HOWL.... No Fly's between Tempe, AZ and Houston. There is one in Austin, TX, but that would have taken me out of my I-10 path.
Had good cajun food last night. Puppy dog alter egos love spicely foods. Bark....