.Best Headlines of 2007
A few of the headlines remind me of a TV press conference, shortly after the last earthquake I experienced, while living in Heavensville (L.A.) in January 1994. The quake had occured on a, as the USGS geologist had just expplained, PREVIOUSLY unknown fault. Some reporter pipes up and asks the geologist, "Tell us, please, what history of quakes have occured on that fault, in the past".

I thought that kind of strange, and stupid. If anybody knew the history of quakes, that had occured on that fault, it wouldn't have been "unknown". Now, in theory, after they knew the fault was there, they could look and possibly figure out some sort of history. But this was the day of the quake.

Speaking of which, earthquakes are FUN.... You should stick it out there, in the Puget Sight, (on the Pacific rim, that has the potential for HUGE quakes) until you've felt a 7.4 or higher, on the richter scale. It's the damage they cause, that isn't much fun.
Sunday, February 10, 2008 6:57:05 PM, From: sae, To: Stories