In a place, far far away
Do you think like me, that the world is turning into a place where reality is almost always somewhere else.
I seems to me, that in these times, it's too easy for people to shun reality by obsessing on the internet, video games or cell phones. We've all seen friends on their cell phones, while walking down the road together, or driving while on their cell phones. We all know people that can't stop talking about the games they've been playing. 
I still think that reality is 
the car your going to hit, the pole you're going to walk into, or knowing you're with someone when you're with them.
But I'm from an older generation.
Its seems more and more families are becoming "remote families", friends are becoming "remote friends", and reality is becoming a "remote reality". My world has become just that.
I'm here, but "here" isn't where my mind is at. Life has become physically disassociated, and its all tied together by communication links and computers. All the non-residents who come here to work, must have it really rough if they are raising families back home.
In addition, computers and comunications are providing
pleasure and controlling our self esteem.
The next generation is going to be far more interesting than mine.
Thursday, January 31, 2008 7:21:02 AM, From: jim, To: Stories