.How did FreshUI tweak utility work out for Jimmy?
A lot of the options in FreshUI were not available in Vista.
Things like "Add New Programs, Add Remove Programs, Active Desktop, Desktop Themes, Icon Size..." have been eliminated or reworked in Vista. I did get it to do a few things that were handy...like adding Cmd to the file context menu.
Thanks bro!!!
I bought a new watch at Walmart
My other one exploded. This is the coolest gadget watch I've probably ever owned. Casio finally came out with something great! Its got a remote control built into it. In learn mode you press a watch key, aim a controller at it, press one of its keys, and the watch will remember it. I'm going to have some fun with this at the next sports bar I go to...har har.
We stopped by stopping by Green Lake.
It was frozen over. Its amazing, the number of people that jog in freezing weather. I'd bet we saw 300 people walk or jog down the lakeside pathway.
Somewhere along the way, we drove around Ballard.
Ate at the Ballard Brothers Seafood fast food restaurant joint. My blackened cajun salmon sandwich was yicky. It got a little too much blackening. I could have used it to do a charcoal canvas of something. Becky had the fried cod and it was great.
The hilight of the day was the guy who was beating up a bus.
The guy was yelling and screaming about something. Its so sad that people will let themselves fall that far.
Sunday, January 27, 2008 12:23:52 PM, From: jim, To: sae