Our New Apartment - The Summit
Summit at Lake Union
Pros : 18 minutes to work by bus(I save $250 parking), w/d, dishwasher, 680 sq ft, two balconies with great views, underground parking, patio on the roof that is awesome, jacuzzi, spa, sauna, pool, pool table, cyberroom.
Cons : $1,250 a month total, 8 month lease, and uh, and that's about it.
I like driving to work, but taking the bus is more logical.
Deciding Factor : The veiws of Seattle and Lake Union are spectacular!
This is why I work. Seeing beauty like this is what I live for. I won't have to look for it, I'll be surrounded by it!
I guess this is what I'd want heaven to be like (except its cold, and I don't have friends here...yet).
Wednesday, December 5, 2007 5:18:11 PM, From: jim, To: Seattle