To whom may concern...I apologize
Two moves in one week is a lot of action.
I've had to push myself to the limit, I haven't been feeling well, I'm tired and confused.
But none of these are an excuse for a bad attitude.
So, if I've been distant, or obtuse, please accept my sincere apology.
I meant to accomplish so much when we got here.
But, Monday, I had to get that insurance, talk to my CPA and get prescriptions written.
Tuesday, I picked up prescriptions, did some shopping, and tried to relax.
I didn't visit like I'd planned too.
After driving 32 hours straight, driving around town is the last thing I want to do.
Driving around town with everything I own in the back of the truck is scary too.
I love you all. I'm just exhausted.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 7:38:39 AM, From: jim, To: Stories