.Saying Good Bye to Peter!
Saying goodbye to Peter is a sad thing. 
I think he's been at Kentucky Towers for 13 years.
From the very beginning, he'd been the one who would hang out with us in the rain, greeting people as they came and left.
Peter enjoys everyone he meets, and everyone enjoys his humor and wit.
And he knows EVERYBODY at TGIF's on 4th Street.
He's a computer consultant, like me, working and taking time off.
But I guess all things must come to an end.
He's settling down in Michigan, and taking a full time job.
It's a 5 hour drive from here to there, so we won't be seeing much of him.
Kentucky Towers and TGIF's won't be the same without him.
We will all miss you Peter.
You will always be my friend. 
Tuesday, November 6, 2007 9:48:35 AM, From: jim, To: becky