I got the IPhone. I love it!!!
Its my toy, and I think it does a great job.
I also believe someone from the future brought the plans here, and Apple produced it.
It just doesn't seem like it belongs in this time. Its way ahead!!!
Here's what I've found so far:
Its really easy to understand. I generally don't like working with Icons, but these look good and make sense.
I can walk around, and it will connect to whatever it can find for the internet.
Using Wep with a hex key was tricky because it wants a password, and doesn't give you a hex key operation.
You have to set up any Wep/hex key before the IPhone discovers it. You can't just join it.
Unsecured networks, it just connects to. So far, its connected to almost every business on 4th street.
Its graphics are great.
Data entry is a breeze. I like how when I key in Jom, it shows a little drop down box showing Jim.
I think the speaker phone, bluetooth and regular phone work wonderfully.
Setting up outgoing mail, I had to key in smtp.1and1.com:587 because 1and1 doesn't use port 25.
That kind of stuff you have to set up in Settings. Once you understand its there, its not so bad.
I'm very impressed.
I think its got a great phone.
It cost $399 with no rebate.
I got Becky a Palm Treo.
I wanted to get the biggest discount on a phone, since we had to sign a two year contract with AT&T.
We did good. The Palm Treo is pretty easy to use. Becky loves it. I love it. It will cost $99 after the rebate.
Its better than any other phone that I've had so far.
However, its not nearly as easy to use as the IPhone, and its graphics are good, but the IPhone is just excellent.
I got some extras...I think the hole mess with activation and the accesories cost $600.
But we have all kinds of rebates coming. I just hope we get them. I've been let down a lot with mail-in rebates.
This is what I work for.
Not to just dole money out to other people because they ask for it. I work for myself.
And now I have something that represents the fruits of my labor and thats a good thing!