I just read Harvard (Harvard?) has found trans fat, less than that found in a large order of McDonalds fries, increases your chances of a heart attack by 25%.
Read the article in the Courier Journal.They say it causes more than 200,000 deaths a year.
New York is going to illegalize it.
Ever wonder exactly how they do these wonderful studies?
What do they do, take a bunch of people who died of old age that have died from heart attacks, find out what they ate, then say they died from eating McDonalds french fries?
Groucho Marx smoked cigars until he died at 87 years old.
He should have died at 70.
It should be obvious by now, that the medical guys are terrible at predicting the life spans of people.
The average live span in the United States is still 76 years old.
It will stay that way until the medical profession discovers how to cure old age.
The blame game always irritates me.