We started the night off with Iggs Benedict.
Its beef tips, tomatoes, nacho cheese, poached eggs and grilled toast.
To the untrained tongue, it might be repugnant.
But I have a cona-sewer's tongue.
BTW - That is our dining room table.
Its a fold up thingy that folds up into nothing, and we've taken it way past the manufacturers dreams. Its a laptop stand, dining room table, printer and phone stand. Its the Swiss Army's concept of tables, and weighs about 3lbs.
Half the time when I'm home, all I can see of Becky is her head sticking up over our two laptops.
Then we went to Sullys last night and had two Hurricanes.
Hurricanes are like cherry slushies with a real kick to them.
We came back home and
I had two Soma's. I know, you're not supposed to mix sleeping pills with alcohol.
But, if feels SO GOOD.
Last night was the first good nights sleep I've had since we got here.
Six hours a night is about average for where we're living.
Its hard to justify sleeping when theres so much going on just 5 minutes away.
I just keep telling myself...hey, ohhhh what the heck; we're all just going to grow old and die anyway. Why not stay up and have FUN! I'll sleep when I'm gone.