Eva Park - Dumpy
Louisville Soccer Park - Busy but nice
Hutchins Park - Okay
Cherokee Park - HUGE, long windy roads, a golf course is next to it. Its a jungle
Seneca Park - Very LONG, lots of soccer fields, very nice
The houses around Cherokee and Seneca were ancient and unique.
Iroquois Park - Beautiful - We saw 360 degree views of the entire Louisville area.
The houses around this area were new, and unique. They looked GREAT! I want one.
Waverly Park - Ok. Lots of trees. It ended with a home made lake...but I'd call it a mossy swamp.
Someone is building the lake with a backhoe. You can tell too. It has no water supply so the water is stagnant.
The ranches out here are spectacular though.
River Gardens Park - What park...it was less a baseball diamond with overgrown grass.
Campground Road - had no campgrounds to it, just factories.
Pleasure Ridge Park - nasty
Shawnee Park - Okay...we didn't really blend in.
There were only two parks where people parked in the grass, and blasted their music.
Both parks were 100% Hispanic.
Along the way, we stopped at a Fresh Produce Store
I ate almost an entire bucket of strawberries during the trip.
We watched a Railroad Bridge descend to let a train go over.
That was cool. I don't know what's more beautiful about this place, the area, or the sparkle in Becky's eyes!
Last of all we ate at Joes Crab Shack.
Half of it is on stilts overlooking the Ohio River. The food was the same, but at this altitude, with the air being more humid, the food tastes better. They're drinks are fantastic. Becky had a strawberry margarita, and I had a Pina Colada.
Great people. Great scenery. Great food.
I'm beat.