Yea...I’m pissed...I guess I just didn’t realize I
Honestly, I'm surprised I lasted this long. I was ready to leave the first day.
This last month, I've kissed booty more than I have in the last 20 years.
That's a lot of booty for me. I don't mind a little butt kiss.
But every day is excessive abuse. And I, am just not going to take it.
I wouldn't have done anything differently though.
I'm so glad I'm here. I'm glad I quit. I'm glad I'm in a place where there's more opportunity.
I loved the trip out there. And I'm going to love seeing the rest of Florida.
Life takes us all on a ride. And we all go down one road or another.
I am glad I chose this one.
If I've burned a few bridges with people who didn't even bother to say howdy to what?
I don't like being around people like. They scare me.
As far as burning a bridge with my headhunter...that's okay too.
This is the first time I'd ever gone route. I'm not going down it again.

Friday, October 21, 2005 6:21:56 PM, From: jim, To: Stories