Meeting New People
Hi Mom
Sorry for not writing to you yesterday.
How is everyone? It's been raining here off & on.
I met Jim's friend Rod & his daughter Jessica, Resee they
are very nice family. Rod had extra ticket's for a baseball
game he invited us to go. We met Rod at his house he drove
us too the baseball game. It was alot of fun. My sun glasses broke
the ear piece broke off then the lens & the screw fell out. Good thing
is I still have my other 2 pair's of glasses. We went to see the Marenia
but it was closed. We did see alot of boat's. Jim took a picture of one of
the boat's it was for sale. It was a very nice drive. We stopped at a big park
that sat on the river. The people here are very nice. The freeway only get's backed
up on rush hour. Then it clears up. It sure is very different here. I bet it is getting real
hot! there? It's been in the 80's here. I miss all of you. Hug's & kisses

Love You  :)

Saturday, June 23, 2007 1:36:29 PM, From: becky, To: Ruth 1941