Selling the condo and investing

The condo yields less around a 7.6% return if its constantly rented. Its high mainentance.
Investent Yield Notes
Condo 7.6% 100% Rental. High maintenance.
Treasure Bills 4.6% Safe
Dreyfus Bond funds 5%
Heritage Group (HBOS) 15% Last 2 Years
Las Vegas Sands Corp (LVS) 19% Last 2 Years
Tax Sheltered Municiple bonds             4% We don't need a tax shelter.
If we'd invested in LVS 4 years ago, our capital would have doubled.
But saying that is like saying when your gambling, you should only bet when your winning.
Its a matter of timing, faith and patience. It took 20 years for the condo's value to double.
I think the trick is to find investments you can handle emotionally
The condo, is an investment you can actually use, but how you come out involves more calculations than stocks.
Also, you typically don't check out a condo's value every month.
In the 70's, I splattered some coffee on the financial section.
Everywhere a drop hit, I tracked the investment.
The coffee drops averaged out, I think, around 10% 
Sunday, June 3, 2007 9:42:07 AM, From: Jim, To: sonny