The Sixth Extinction
OVERHUNTING: American bison skull heap. There were as few as 750 bison in 1890 due to overhunting.
OVERHUNTING: American bison skull heap.
There were as few as 750 bison in 1890 due to overhunting.
Mankind is wiping out species at the rate of 30,000 a year.
Its so sad, that with our advances, we have destroyed so many creatures.
This planet should be down to half of its species in a few decades.
But, rats and cockroaches love us!
Mankind is known to have existed for 50,000 years.
Life on this planet is over 2,000,000,000 years old.
And we're ruining it all.
Thursday, May 10, 2007 8:08:16 PM, From: Jim, To: Life