I wanted to find out where they get their notaries from?
So, I invented a good question..."Is my business legal?"
I know it is, but, I figured it would help break ground.
So I asked the lawyer: Is what I'm doing legal?
I own a corporation called Be Quick.
My corporation dispatches agents and handles credit card payments.
It has independant contractors that are notaries.
The question is, Nevada Revised Statutes say a notary can only charge $5 to do a notary, plus travel time.
I charge the maximum allowed by law, plus add service charge for processing through Be Quick.
She says: Well, I'd say not. You're corporation is a notary.
I said: No, my corporation dispatches notaries. It could just as easily dispatch plumbers or air conditioning repair men.
She said: Well, I'll check into it in 3 days.
She said: Is there any thing else I can help you with?
I said: Yes. I need to know how you handle your mobile notaries.
She said: For what?
I said: If someone is in the hospital, can't leave, and needs a document notarized, how do you handle it?
She said: What kind of document?
I said: I don't know. How about a will.
She said: Wills don't have to be notarized.
I said: Okay, then some document that does have to be notarized.
She said: Those would things like realestate documents, orders...things like that.
I said: Okay, then, a realestate document.
She said: They have to be notarized to go through the county recorder.
I said: Okay, how would you handle that?
She said: I don't do that.
I said: Well how do other lawyers do that?
She said: I don't know.
I said: Can you find out? Is there a lawyer there?
She said: I only work on the phone.