We are learning each time we go out.
This was our second Notary and once again, the right wording wasn't on the document(s).
So, after clumsily sifting through mounds and mounds of internet garbage about the proper way of notarizing,
I realized that most notaries don't have a clue as to what they are doing.
They're just running the bases.
If they can't right it down, then they probably don't understand it.
So we should do great.
I read a lot about loose certificates.
Nowhere on the internet is there an example of one.
You can buy them from NNA, but why, if you could just print them up.
I also read about certificate stamps.
Nowhere on the internet can you buy one. I had to get some made up.
This is a very gray (or grey) business we're stumbled into.
Its hard to find good documentation on anything.
They say you shouldn't have to read a document.
It shouldn't have any blanks.
It should have the correct notarization verbage. If it doesn't state it, ask the customer...but how many people do we know that knows the meaning of the words like:
Friday, April 13, 2007 5:40:44 PM, From: jim, To: Notary