It was okay. It dragged on...
One of the things the hit on was a group called the Skull and Bone "Bonesmen"
This is real group, a secret society of sorts, of Yalemen.
They relishes their glass enclosed skull and bones of "Geronimo".
As odd as this group sounds, its 800 members include some of the most powerful people in the world.
Bush is one of them. Anyway, their purpose seems be powerful, and to make a difference.
The CIA director was one of them.
Somewhere in the mix, they hit on the CIA's disinformation strategies.
How they tell truth mixed in with lies, all to get people to behave the way they want.
I instantly started thinking about the Kennedy assassinations an what we were told about it.
It could have been Castro, the Mafia, the Soviet Union or Lyndon B Johnson, as has been suggested.
We heard everything except for what should have been obvious. It seems obvious too me anyway.
Here's what I thought:
Shortly after John F Kennedy's assassination, Robert Kennedy was assassinated.
Shortly after that, Jacquie Kennedy married Aristotle Onassis (the richest man in the world).
NOW, that just sounds odd to me.
Why didn't anyone mention that maybe...just maybe,
Onassis had John killed to marry Jacquie, then Robert killed because he objected to the marriage.
Its a theory as good as the others.
What makes it a better theory is, it has never been entertained.
Why is that?
I mean, isn't that more believable than anything else we've heard.
But please take note: I don't know anything. I just read and reason.
I thoroughly admit that my ideas are influenced by dis-information.