Movies all day. Thanks Rudy!!!
We watched:
Ghost Rider
I thought it would turn out to be another "Wicker Man" for Nicolas Cage, but it was one of his best yet.
The effects were awsome.
IMAX  Deep Sea
Wonderful movie. Its amazing how they illustrate the balance of nature.
They put together how all the creatures interact in life and death, and in ways that even a cave man can understand.
It was okay. The story was very predictable right from the beginning.
Ahhhh, but whoever recorded it ran out of memory at the last 10 minutes of the movie.
I thought that added to the movie. I made up my own ending, which was probably better than the real one.
Wild Hogs
Good movie with Tim Allen, John Travolta, Will Macy, Martin Lawrence and Ray Liotta.
A good illustration of an over the hill gang getting a second chance at life.
Friday, April 6, 2007 9:25:32 PM, From: jim, To: becky