Great minds share the same question
Why does the universe exist at all?
Its obvious the universe has a purpose. Everything seems to have a purpose. God does not roll the dice.
The universe has reason. Nothing is random.
They all seem to believe in god, but they shun people who define god in their own image, as I do.
I have these few quotations of my own.
- A blade of grass has more technology than anything man has created.
- When someone tells you the saw one of god's miracles, they almost right.
   The miracle was that they can see. 
- Walking on water is no more of a miracle than building the pyramids, and less of a miracle than giving birth.
   But if that is what it takes to get someone one to do good, let them be.
- Preachers and politians have much in common.
   Except for the true believers, their true agenda is pleasure, power, or property.
- A truly intelligent person will question everything they hear and read.
- The least technologically capable, talk the most technical talk.
- By feeding people who are starving because their they've let their population exceed their food supply,
   you may save 100 people just to doom the next 1,000 babies.
- Of all human behaviors, eating meat is probably the most disgusting.
- We owe water for tommorrow, we owe food for the month, we owe plants for the century,
   we owe the earth for our everything. We are here because it wants us to be here.
- The fertilized egg that created us, is more intelligent than its creation.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 11:38:25 PM, From: jim, To: Life