This looks so much better, doesn't it. I've only got two modules left to write. However, since 1and1 went down, maybe I should rethink a few things. If they had restored my system with 10 day old data, that would have been TERRIBLE. So I need to back up the system at least once a day. But, then there's the stuff that happened during the day. I guess I need to send email messages for the little things. Hmmm.
It's starting to look like cash and credit card transactions have no business being stored on Microsoft Servers.
One of the most perplexing problems I've run into lately is:The software that is available to me, and most developers, contains programs for sending emails out. I've yet to find one (with the exception of JMAIL), that will let a program read email. To me, thats seems crazy!!! Most all email facilities have Autoresponder capabilities, but thats terrible for custom replies. See, what I want to do, is when an agent gets a text message for an order, I want him to reply to the text message, then a program I write will read it, and mark the transaction as In Progress.
That shouldn't be that tough now, should it?