Gosh, I love that show!
House (an atheistic doctor), was trying desperately to help a rape victim who was looking for truth.
They were haggling about life. She wanted truth from House, he said the truth was uninteresting.
She said she believed that there is a god that values and cares about all life.
House said, if there is a god, he's either extremely cruel or insane.
Did he let her get raped to make some kind of sick point? Or does he just want to punish the bad guys in a burning hell while letting innocent people suffer. If thats his game, its insane.
She said, it wasn't like that. Its more like we enter a series of rooms going through life. Our value is based on how well we handle ourselves in those rooms. She asked him if he believed in god.
He said, if there isn't a god, what we do here has no consequences to our eternity. Therefore, there's nothing to keep us from doing evil. We should just have fun and not care about anyone but ourselves.
But if there is a god, then we should suffer here to earn brownie points in some kind of fictitious heaven.
He said, the concept of god is just that, us trying create a central point in the universe that has all of the reasons.
There is no reason for why things happen.
But what we do today matters, and will have an immense affect others down the line.
I like that show. It makes me think.