The food was Jordan cuisine and it was Very Good! We smoked a hookah bowl and chatted with the waitress for quite awhile. She said the decision on whether they can exist as a business remains to be seen. She also said they would most likely be given except status since they were licensed as a tobacco smoking club. Who knows.... Sonny, Becky and I really enjoyed the atmosphere. It was really nice, the customers were very friendly and the prices were reasonable. My only complaint, the place was too small for the number of people there. On another note, Jonathon and Renee are taking off tomorrow night They're leaving for Everett Washington at 9pm. I'm egging Renee to call Robert, just in case she doesn't see him again for another 10 years. Is it me? I'd think that would be instinctive, to say good bye to your brother before moving out of state. He's 5 miles away. hmmm. I just called Robert and explained everything to him He'll be by after work tonight.
Tuesday, December 5, 2006 10:08:46 PM, From: Jim, To: Becky