252 kilometres whatever the hell that means
Left Duluth saturday afternoon.  Actually from Cloquet, from my darling Heathers home.  I was on the trail heading back to duluth, v-e-r-y slowly.  There was a discernable feeling taking over my gut, took a look and realized it was the law of diminishing return munching slowly, unnoticed for weeks, until that moment.  Apparently im in no mood for specifics right now.
Oddly?  a man next to me speaking aloud just said to his guest -"Here, Ill give you the short version".  Happens all the
time doesnt it?  Anyways.  To dust with the expectations for 'lucrative tree fetching' in duluth.  So i turned around,
registering for miles the fact that Heather would be back from Grand Marais the next day at noonish, and would drive me to minneapolis.  With her friend Leify.  They were to get a train there for Montana anyways. 
So it took me about fifty hours.  A few bundles of those were late at night and it was striking cold and I sharpened the hell
out of my night vision capacities, razor sharp.  fun, like shirly maclean driving a truck down a county road without hands kinda
fun.  ya know?  Yesternight Heather and Leify drove down to St Paul, (changed her ticket to reflect new 'disabled' class membership so as to reap a needed saving), and I met her at the Dubliner bar, had some ass tasting cheep beers together...
la la la .. went to the station and kissed her a few damned times goodbye, held back tear in eye like man, smoked a cigarette and watched her cozy up in the tube, but it did not leave the station.  Never effing does these days, 13 minutes of thinning
out a superior romantic event, to which suspense does not improve or clarify one bit.  Nope.  waving, leaving, blah blah blah.
So now im here, at Hard Times Cafe, logging, waiting to sip some brewz with Jake, who works here, who hooked me up with a rim to replace the one i smacked very obtuse 15 miles from here and still made it with.  Cheers people.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006 11:08:24 PM, From: warren, To: warren