I was reading about emission controls systems in cars, specifically, because I still have a problem with my check engine light. While browsing the net, I found out some interesting things about ozone.
High levels of ozone create eye, throat and lung irratiation.
Does that sound familiar? We experienced and talked about that when we came back to Vegas?
My asthma is flairing up again. I went to
http://www.accessclarkcounty.com/Air_Quality/full_forecast.htmto check out Las Vegas's air advisories. On
http://www.ccairquality.org/output/chart.html, I noticed that in areas that were highest in carbon monoxide readings, didn't measure the important things, like Ozone (specifically, E Sahara and S Las Vegas Blvd). It basically says everything is fine.
I'd have to disagree though.I don't need their chart to tell me something is in the air this morning.
I can sense it. For one, outside the air is hazy and the mountains aren't visible.
But to read articles from different news sources, it sounds like the air quality here is excellent.
So, I have to wonder what is going on.
Note: I was in the convertible yesterday with the top down for almost 7 hours.