It happens though. This isn't a perfect rental we have. Our tenents aren't perfect, but neither are we.
We are receiving better than normal rent for the condo. I'm happy about that.
The tenants washing machine was leaking and the dryer's heater coils may have been fried.
By the tenant agreeing to purchase/install a (new) washer and dryer for $200
out of October's rent money (plus security deposit forward) we did this:
If they don't get a washer/dryer, they can't complain about the 38 year old ones we left there.
If they do get a washer/dryer, we're ahead. Whatever they get can't be worse if it works.
However, we should add in the notes whether the washer/dryer have been replaced or not on the reciept.
I found some pretyped forms on that I think are pretty cool.
The way I understand it though, as long as it is clear to a small claims judge that both parties signing an agreement, understood the agreement, and the agreement isn't totally stupid, its a good contract.