We were talking about what gravity would be at the center of the earth.
While talking, I researched different articles, complicated formulas, things people said.
The way the articles stated things, it all seemed so complicated.
I know now, its simple, when its broken down, with all of the confusing formulas and terminalogy.
I started to write the program for determining the motion of an object falling throught the center of the earth, but, haha, it
would take maybe a week to write. The earth would have to be sectioned off by mass, a routine written for the distance and weight of the object as it passes near these masses, and finally, some mile marks for the resulting weight would be generated along the objects path. Not too bad.
I mentioned science had developed a working artificial lung back in the fifty's.
It seems the major problem they have is funding. The lungs are built. They can sustain life. They are powered by the heart.
But, other problems exist, like clotting.
Somehow, we got to talking about Moses, because I was talking to Jennifer about him
Now, I'd read that basically, he went up the mountain, alone, and came back down to his group.
But, before he did all this, he told the people to build a church full of gold and nice things...for God.
I also read, he told everyone to go off and bathe.
Jennifer came up with the classic story about the burning bush, and God talking only to Moses, and she didn't see anything odd about this.
So, I started rereading the Bible on Moses. I about fell asleep on the lengthy portions of what God wanted in his church. Wow. Boring. A lot of gimme gimme gimme in there. I'll finish it up later, but for now, it seems like a great swap for a couple of tablets with chiselled words on them. Actually, from what I've read, it had to be a GREAT IDEA for way back then, to give the people a decent place to go, and to give them some rules to follow...like a club. It would sure beat living in a hut.