I’m not worthy, oh great one
I pride my self on my ability to fix just about anything.
Well, I've messed up the diagnostic reasoning on myself.
Diagnosing any problem, should include the primary question: What changed?
I assumed the following:
- I was breathing poorly when I left Las Vegas
- It cleared up in Orlando
- I'm breathing poorly now.
- Hence, Vegas must be the problem.
I forgot a few variables.
- I barely drank in Orlando.
- We changed brands of cigarettes from Opal to Misty
My breathing problems began outside of Las Vegas, however, we switched to Opals in Laughlin.
My analysis of the problem is severly flawed.
I assumed have chronic bronchitis (fatal in 10 years), asthma, allergies to desert pollen and dust.
Stupid me, it could be the toxins in Opal cigarettes.
I know I should quit.
But I've been smoking since I was 15.
Why would it hit me like a ton of bricks, right after moving?
See, my logic has holes in it.
Saturday, July 29, 2006 2:09:55 PM, From: Jim, To: becky