Gasolene and My Truck
I never mentioned, on the way to pick up Becky's kids on Saturday, I filled up my truck.
It cost $75 to tank up. Dayam!!!
Somewhere along the way yesterday, Sonny and I were talking about various science items, and I looked up the discover of DNA. That led me to an article in Popular Science.
Eventually, I ended up on an article about a car GM made in the late 90's called the EV1. 
The EV1 was an all electric car that came out in 1999.
It premiered in Los Angeles as a lease vehicle, cost GM 1 billion dollars to develop, and was scrapped. It got 80 miles on a charge. It could go 0 to 60 in 8 seconds, and it could receive an 80% charge in 45 minutes. With exception of the breaks and tires, the car required little maintenance. The public charging stations in LA were free. The charging stations, charged the vehicle through induction.
Why did GM scrap a vehicle that could end our oil dependance and green house affects?
I read up on this, and they said because people wanted SUV's, not energy efficient vehicles.
Truth be it told, the car was too dependable. It didn't require all the maintenance of a fossil burning vehicle.
Now GM is into hybrid cars.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:12:09 AM, From: Jim, To: Guest