I feel bad. Not only because I drank this holiday, but because my hangovers last for days and I shouldn't go anywhere.
I feel guilty. Because there's people who want my help, and I don't give it during this period, its simply too risky.
And, I suppose, I'll get drunk again 3 months from now, unless it finally sinks into my brain that those days are over.
Vegas makes partying too easy.
If its not the heat, its the attitude of this town.
One of the reasons I liked Florida...
was there wasn't people partying on every block. You had to drive miles just to find a bar.
The only places we saw people drinking outdoors was Disneyworld and Universal Studios.
It just wasn't that kind of town.
We'll be out of here by September. 
I just can't live here. Its too unhealthy.
Sunday, July 9, 2006 1:49:13 PM, From: Jim, To: Becky