I'd fight for causes
In the end, I'd drain the trust fund, and end up having my picture on TV for dying causes.
The greenhouse effect, people starving in Africa, missing children...that kind of thing.
These things are going to happen, no matter how much money you throw at them.
Human nature is just like that of any creature on this planet.
Including the 30 trillion cells that make you...you.
They all want to survive. They all have the desire to influence your behaviour.
There's obviously a group of cells in your brain that constitute your soul
Don't you think? All of the neurons report to that group...and they you are, forever changing..with every experience.
I know that is true for myself. I'm not the man I used to be. I'm always changing.
There's a deep message here if you read this and think about it.
I'm saying today...you are you.
Tommorrow, you are a different person.
It all makes you wonder what you've ever stood for, doesn't it. Your solid beliefs are different than what you they were 10 years ago. You've changed.
So, in that vision of Heaven you have, you should include how old you were.