I missed having children
I suppose that's some people's view of immortality...to leave distorted genes behind for future generations to copy.
I pondered that thought. The thought that having children could extend your life in some magical way.
However, I don't feel I am anyone but myself.
If I was an incorporation of my relatives, wouldn't I have memories of a their past stored somewhere in my sub conscience.
If so, I don't feel their influences, as far as I am aware of.
I know the universe is young...they say 8 billion years young.
And I know, it may last a trillion times longer than what we see.
So anything is possible. I believe in these possibilities: That we don't die. That we chose to be here for some reason.
It could just be whim. Or is that just a fantasy...a fantasy built within this fantasy.
Sunday, July 2, 2006 11:30:59 AM, From: Jim, To: Guest