Another Saturday has come and gone.
 We filled up the dumpster Thursday with these amazon-like tree limbs with polleny leaves from my backyard. It took most of the day Friday: coughing, hacking, sneezing and wheezing to recover from that! I Started to fill up the dumpster again with the remainder of leaves, BUT...I'm in no hurry to go stomping around in that dumpster: getting more cut-up,red-eyed,itchy,sneezy,wheezy. Now, for anyone that's never seen my backyard, it has 3 tree's and 1 oleander, that in the summer time, form a tent like cover over the whole damn yard. No sun gets through it at all. MILLIONS OF LEAVES!!! Probably's a hell of a thing. I just want to BBQ back there, but I can't risk it all catching fire and sending up a smoke cloud like Mt St Helen's volcano did, that would circle the earth's atmosphere 25 times. That would be bad. :)
Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:42:19 PM, From: jim, To: Stories