If God is both white and black, then we are gray
If love is good and hate is bad, then neither is worse. I am living and I cast shadows. I am life. I create fire
Lay me down for my last day and end it, but today, I will make light or I will cast a shadow.
I will move matter, I will make a small ripple in a pond as big as the sun and it will make a difference.
Life is kill or be killed. Eat death, or die. The rules are simple.
What kind of god is this? To watch our lives with joy. To gain entainment from suffering. To be like us.
From birth to slaughter, god is the inventor.
By design we are all doomed.
We think a chicken is just an animal that doesn't complain in English of its suffering. So it doesn't suffer.
What is it, when a man circles the world to kill who he finds?
Riches offer another man's time for selfish pleasure. The rich wrap themselves in a cocoon and think think they are better.
Pleasures don't last. Memories don't last. Nothing but the rules, by design, lasts.
The end, is always the beginning of something.
We have never seen a true circle. A circle has no beginning or end. Yet all we've seen ends.
If a person sees Jesus, they are saved. If they see Hitler, they are insane, if they see the sun, they go blind. 
Science obeys god's rules, and his rules are cause and effect. Everything else is a myth.
Stupid Bible Stories
We've all seen rivers part by a man holding a stick. We've all seen damns part the river, because we built them.
We's all seen someone walking across the waters. We've all seen ice skaters.

Sunday, June 4, 2006 3:03:32 AM, From: Jim, To: Stories