Hi Renee
How are you doing? Jim and I are doing fine.
We saw three gators behind our apartment. Jim fed them some hot dogs. lol. They are so lazy. All they do is lay in the water and sleep.
Jim's website is about done. It looks great. We added more of Sunset's, most of the places here in Florida.
Last week we went outside barefooted onto the grass that was a big mistake.
We got stung by some kinda of sticker plant. OUCH!!!!. It stopped hurting and went away in three day's. It was so weird though. We couldn't hardly walk on are feet. I'm glad that it's gone now (lol). How silly we are.
Renee you, Jennifer, Dustin can call us anytime on our cell phones. It's FREE!!!!!!!.
We are going to visit some friend's of Jim's in Mississppi.
It was good to hear from you. We miss you lot's. (Hugs kisses) to all of you.

Sunday, January 29, 2006 9:19:31 AM, From: Becky, To: Guest