A lot of people think UFO's are here, with us on this planet right now.
Here's one for the logical people out there. The universe is 12 billion years old. The world is 4.5 billion years old. Some think people may have existed here for only 2 million years. If so, we've been on this rock floating through space less than .05% of the earth's lifespan.
So, if UFOs have visited the earth, the odds are 2,250 to 1, against us being in existence.
The odds would be 60,000,000 to 1 against a UFO coming here in your lifetime.
And what is the likelyhood that an interstellar space RV (so to speak) would fly here anyway?
In 100 years, my guess is this idea will seem laughable.
Why would an advanced alien fly here in a couped up little flying saucer? lol.
Time Travellers - a bizarre thought.
I've always said, if time travellers existed, wouldn't they have already visited us, and wouldn't we know it?
Does anyone actually believe that people in the future people will obey laws when people don't do that now?
Hmmm. Another lol.
Einstein said, if you travel in one direction long enough, you'd come back to where you are.
That's because the universe is circular. A straight line is actually a circle. We just don't see it that way...yet.
Think about it like Magellan did. The other sea mariners thought the world was flat. He thought if he travelled in one direction, he'd come back to the same location, in a different time.
Maybe the same thing is true with time. What if time is not infinite in two directions? What if it is circular?
If time is circular, then we all are time travellers.
What if all living things are a single life form? What if that life form is a time traveller going through an infinite loop?
If you can follow these thoughts, isn't it interesting?
If any of this reasoning is correct, then if we wanted to travel back in time,
we would have to go forward in time to get there. The faster we went, the closer to our present time we'd get.
Hmmm. That doesn't sound right, does it?
Wednesday, November 30, 2005 12:08:51 AM, From: jim, To: Guest