Hoover Dam Security
A grumpy little man was waving people through. He looked like he waved me on. So I took off and he yelled "STOP, I DIDN'T WAVE YOU ON!". I wanted to say "I couldn't tell with your littly arms flailing around like that". Then he said "WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN THE BOX" pointing his tiny finger at the bed of the truck. I said "TOOLS". That could have been the only word I knew in English lol. He said, ok, move on. hmmm.
Kingman at 3:30pm Arizona Time.
I don't know why this town exists. Noone does. It has a railroad and land sells for $1,600 an acre.
Laughlin at 3:00pm Nevada Time.
The town is cute! It has a plant puffing steam up everywhere and a line of high rise resorts along the Colorado River. I wouldn't mind living here.
The Colorado River
It's about 200 feet wide, with sparkling clear water. It would be a creek if it was in Kentucky though. It winds around the desert like I drive on the freeway. I've read it supplies 20 million people with water, and runs from Colorado to Mexico.
The cotton fields
I stopped to pick some. Cotton is a little plant with a ball of hair. I'd bet the Indians 1,000 years ago all dressed well.
Note - The plant doesn't respond to petting.
The AVI Hotel/Casino Resort 3:30pm (our hotel for 2 nights)
Unexpectedly nice with desert pastels, and a nice layout and even though its on an Indian Reservation, it has bars. The rooms come with a huge TV, and almost everything works! They even have a Conair hair dryer mounted on the wall (I want it real BAD!)
- We went to AVI's restaurant, practically crawling on all fours from starvation. We had there 99 cent hamsteak and eggs. They also offered all you can eat spaghetti for $3.99. ALL THE MEALS IS SAW SERVED LOOKED GOURMET! And there we are getting the 99 cent special. :)
Discover Channel at 9pm
We learned that archeogist had arrowheads chipped around the end of the ice age.
The arrowheads, found in the US, used a European technique (something like off-chipping). This suggested that sometime long ago, the Europeans were here in the US.
They also can tell from the part of the DNA that is passed almost entirely intact from the female the offspring, that Native Americans have both European and Asian ancestory dating back 60,000 years ago. Apparently, this segment of DNA breaks down at a predictable rate during mitosis, so a timeline could be extrapolated from 1,000's of DNA samples that links human ancestory in the Americas to all of the prehistoric continents.
I thought three things were interesting:
- That people sat around chipping rocks to kill things with some 60,000 years ago, when the earth was still being reborn
(I guess I'm grateful they didn't eat meat - we might have developed four stomachs or a gizzard),
- That Columbus didn't discover the American continenent 500 years ago, like we were taught in High School
(Unless he came over in a boat made out of seal skin, whale blubber and sticks).
- That people all over the world have probably had sex everything else on this planet
(Maslow's water, food and sexual instincts sound correct to me). LOL.
The Riverside Casino in Laughlin at 2:30am.
This place I liked a lot. There's something very homey about it's decor.
- We shopped at the WATCHMAN store which boasts itself as the largest watch store in the world with over 20,000 watches all under $20. I bought a voltage meter and a manicure set. As for the watches, all I can say is you can find the same quality watch in Tiajuanna for the same price. hmmm.
- We checked out the Skyroom. They were having some kind of Halloween Party and I just told them "I'm BELLYMAN" but the party was fading out anyway.
- At the Losers Lounge they had a band playing 80's songs, with disco lights and two levels for dancing. JIMMY LIKED IT, but I like anyplace that plays "Lady In Red"
The Harrah's at 2:30am.
Harrah's has a certain class and style to it, very nice.
- We past some tables on the outside. There was an pretty young girl sipping a coctail and dressed in an evening gown. She was by herself. When I look back, she was beaming at me with a very provacotive smile. hmmm.
- Inside there was at least 20 single, very well dressed women. I have to think this hotel has many forms of entertainment that's not listed on their brochures.
Bullhead City at 3am.
- According to Beckys sources, Bullhead City has 50,000 houses and it's growing by 200,000 a month. Now that's amazing! In my mind I imagined construction companies slapping houses like crazy with a huge demolition crew behind them smashing them up after they are built.
FOG from the Colorado River at 3:30am
The world disappeared in a white cloud. Before we could say "What thu", we were on our way to Needles.
Walmart at 4am
We were lost. The Bullhead City closed at midnight I guess. We stopped at a Walmart. I got several DVDs, a headlight for Sonny. Becky bought a $20 watch that was 100 times better than anything at the Watchman.
Back at the AVI hotel 4:30am
We ate at the buffet for $3.99 a person. It was excellent. We gambled. Becky threw away a Four of a Kind and I was trying to lose my $10. We were burnt out!