Florida Keys

This tiny tourist island is about 40 square miles in size. Its streets are narrow and are lined with local curio shops and local restaurants. If you wanted to find a chain restaurant or store, you had look for them (but why would you?). 
We finally parked near a marina and walked around with the other tourist. 
Eventually, we ate at an open air restaurant on the pier.

It was nice, and very laid back. It reminded me of a Joe's Crab shack, but had more personality to it. Hundreds of people were eating there, and pigeons kept hanging around our table.
Rental scooters and electric cars are very popular in Key West.
I thought that if someone rented those Segway, two wheeled Human Transporters (stand up electric scooters), they could make a decent living. Probably a $40k investment could get a small rental business started. hmmm.

Saturday, November 19, 2005 9:06:04 AM, From: Jim, To: Guest