hey guys
Wow vegas is so boring i hate it here all I do is wake up go to work come home play a game visit my kid then go to sleep and do it all over again. My weekends consist of staying home and being bored out of my mind. I am currently looking for a car or truck I need about 700 to thousand dollars to get a decent one here. It really bites not having a car. Joy and I have been taking the bus everywhere and with that it really gets expensive its a 1.25 for adults and 60 cents for amy just one way. and we r9ide the bus atleast 4 or 5 times a week acros town because of appointments with doctors or wic. A really really big pain. So if anybody could find me a good running car for that price range let me know and email me at robert82583@yahoo.com  I would be glad and very very gratefull. love you mom and jim how is the new place way up in the sky lol.
Monday, October 31, 2005 1:54:21 AM, From: robert, To: Guest