I have 3 time sheets to fill out. I'm very maticulous about filling them out.
Jeanne calls me into her office.
She says she can't understand how someone could make such errors on their time sheet.
She said, here you say you worked 9.5 days on this program, on this other sheet, it says you worked 8.5 hours.
On this other program, you say you worked 3 hours, on this other sheet you say you worked 1 day.
I told her about the funny things that I have proven to be wrong with their system times (which they don't care to fix),
and that I'd check it out.
I put together some printouts for Jeanne. There was no way my time sheet was inaccurate.
I go in to show it to her. She said, oh, I'm sorry, I was looking at Jeff's time sheet.
I told her, that's okay, I should have realized that. She didn't even bother to look at my printouts.
I accepted a project late on Friday. So, Monday, it shows as three days late.
Their stupid program doesn't care about weekends. Its says your late based on the Day, not time of day.
So, Monday, after working 10 minutes total on the project, it says I'm 3 days late.
I finish the project the next day, and she says why did I take so long on the project.
Then she said, next time you take 4 days to finish a project, let me know first.
I mentioned the time sheet thing, and that I didn't work on the program through the weekend.
From the very first day, I've apologized to that woman.
I've apologized to her at least 4 times a day since.
I apologized for coming in early. Then I apologized for not being at my desk, after she said I shouldn't be there yet.
Orientation was supposed to take three exactly hours.
I got a bunch of papers that didn't even relate to my job.
Jeanne sent me an email suggesting I'd been goofing off all day, five hours after I got there.
See, we all took lunch and it was a long one, and everyone got chewed out for it. I apologized for that.
Then I apologized for not accepting a project after lunch.
All this, and I hadn't even been introduced to Jeanne.
That's right....Jeanne Meyers is...was my problem.
On my resignation letter, I told her what a wonderful manager she was.
That my resigning had nothing to do with work.
Then, that woman, said, well, I don't understand why you didn't turn it in earlier.