Squirt has already learned how to play fetch!
Well I'll be dammed. Squirt has already learned how to play fetch!
It seems like this puppy was born with training knowledge and is just rediscovering it.
Ain't Genetic Knowledge truly amazing!
- Spiders make webs, beavers make damns, birds build nests, bees make honeycombs.
- Female Praying Mantisses and Black Widows kill their mates after having sex. :(
How do they know they're supposed to do this?
Its truly incredible how little we know about anything in this life!
In college, we learned that earthworms can be taught certain behaviors which are then passed on to their offspring. The experiment proved that the knowledge gained for survival in a parent can be passed on to its offspring as instinctive behavior. Simular studies have been done to verify this inherited knowledge using other species (EG:baby chicks).
BTW - Reflex lives in our nervous systems, where as instinct lives in our brains.
I like this little snippet on our thought processes:
The measure of intelligence
Take a brain or any information processor, input information (knowledge), check the conclusions (output). The conclusions it reaches is a reflection of the quality of the processor. The information went in, was processed and conclusions were reached. These conclusions tell us about the quality of the processing. This is the essence of intelligence.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004 1:41:00 PM, From: jim, To: Stories