Someone hacked into my website yesterday
But why, I don't know.
I basically have nothing there. They wiped out my index.html with their own blasphemous page. Some people really surprise me. I mean, with all the effort that it took, what was the point? I helped a neighbor move some furniture across town. We were heading into the infamous sphaghetti bowl, when his truck that I was following puffed out a black cloud of smoke and quit. So their we are, on what Vegas calls an emergency lane that's 4 foot wide, with cars whizzing by at 70 mph. But we didn't get smacked. Incredible! We ditched his truck, and everybody piled into my truck. All in all, it was an interesting day. Robert is coming by to borrow my air bed for the here it is 2:00am.
Friday, October 15, 2004 1:13:17 AM, From: jim, To: Stories