These election years, so many lies.
I guess the politicians think we are too stupid to notice what's going on.
I'll pick on the republicans first.
Remember The Clinton Impeachment hearings...can anyone tell me what that was all about anyway?
To me, that was the most disgusting period in US history.
Ken Starr investigates the Paula Jones thing at the request of the Supreme Court. The Paula Jones thing was dropped, but Starr continues to go in deeper and deeper. People went to jail, and Lewinsky produces a sperm stained dress. Republicans try unsuccessfully to impeach Clinton because he lied about having sex with an intern. The Paula Jones thing was almost forgotten.
Almost all of the Republicans voted to impeach, while all of the Democrats voted against it.
Give me a break! Ken Starr was as independant as much my ass smells like a rose garden. He worked very hard to smear the president, and crushed a lot of people along the way for not testifying (remember now?).
Our tax dollars were spent to the tune of over $50 million for his efforts. We got a cheesy x-rated soap opera out of it.
Who doesn't believe that the Republicans were behind that little smear?
In the end, Clinton should have been impeached for perjuring himself about having sex with Lewinsky, and abusing his power by helping her get a job. And if that is the case, all politicians should be prosecuted.
It seems to me the Bush administration is all about lies.
I read the news during The War in Iraq.
Bush was saying there were weapons of mass destruction stockpiled there.
The US and its allies were under pressure to present proof of the weapons. Bush cited some reports he got from the CIA.
I should type up a letter in Word with a CIA letter head, saying that Haiti has stockpiled weapons, send it to the president and see what happens...haha.
I read at one time they found a lot of mustard and chlorine that could have been used for weapons of mass destruction. At first I thought they raided a super-secret Sadaam delicatessen. I mean, I have that stuff in my laundry room. Bomb me too I guess.
Does anyone else out there think that the Iraq war was really about oil?
That seems obvious to me...Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world. So, why not just tell us that the war was about us controlling their oil reserves.
Good ol Republicans. Bush and his people must have thought we were just too stupid to realize that we needed was oil, they had it, a madman controlled it, and we couldn't drive to the 7-11 without it.
Quote from Bloomsberg 5/1/2003 "Oil production in Iraq was halted before the U.S.-led attack that toppled President Saddam Hussein. Iraq is losing about $55 million a day in oil revenue.
$55 million a day! I think the conflict was aimed at securing Iraqi reserves to benefit Western economies and oil companies.
What do you think?
BTW-This week I read 250 tons of weapons are missing from a UN sealed facility in Iraq. The weapons were sealed in 1991 and could be used to detonate a nuclear weapon. Does the timing of this seem rather convenient? Bush is still defending our right to bomb Iraq.
I ask this question, why weren't the weapons destroyed? Why leave them in an Iraq facility for 13 years?
It sounded to me like they could have been destroyed with a can of gasolene and a match. I read that they were secured by a seal that was not broken, lol. Who's telling white lies now? Or are we that stupid?
And also, about Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990...have you ever heard of 'Slant Drilling'?
It was the technique used in Kuwait, to suck oil from Iraq's gigantic Rumaila oil field.
What if
- You had land with a stream on it that you depended on.
- I had land upstream from yours.
- What if I built a dam and diverted the stream away from your land because you wouldn't trade your oranges for my apples?
What would you do? You might raid my land and wreck the dam. (sound like Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990?)
It's hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys, isn't it?