This Is My First Entry
Jim & Jeff (a friend of Mike's) went to find a smoke shop.
We couldn't find one, but we had fun trying to find it. We took Jeff back to his hotel.

Jim & me went to a fast food place called Chick-IL-A.
It was pretty good.
It has rained almost everyday since
we have been here. When we got here we saw 2 Rainbows. They were so pretty.
Jim is going to try to change job's.
He has an enterview next week in Tampa. If he gets this job we will have to move again.
If we move to Tampa
we will have a mover move are stuff.
This apartment is very nice.
Jim took me out to a German restraunt for my Birthday.
Jim was thinking about going to Disney World this weekened
this would be my Birthday present from him. I'm hoping it does'nt

rain to hard. We have had a Tropical storm called Tammy.

Thursday, October 6, 2005 8:59:10 AM, From: becky, To: becky