Hot and Cold
That's how I'd describe this trip.
People are either happy or crabby. They're sane or insane.
I'm both glad and sorry I came here.

My most recent pain is my roomie, who hasn't had wired internet in a long time.
He insisted on it before I even took off, and instead of getting wireless we got wired internet for ONE user.
That one user could have been my PC that could share the internet.
His laptop didn't even work using wired internet.
Wired internet is more difficult than wireless. Technology is working its way away from wiring codes.
I brought hardware that won't work. We have the WRONG cable modem.


By his expressing a desire to go backwards in time to a setup that everyone is getting away from,
I'm burning out trying to figure out if we can still do it and it's going to get expensive.
In other words:
- We have one internet connection.
- We are living in a apartment so we can't drill holes in the walls for wires.
- We don't have a shared internet connection device of any type unless its my PC that's setup for it.
- I don't think what he wanted can be done with out one.
I based my thoughts on being able to share a dedicated connection on Paul's cable modem.
It was probably designed for internet sharing, which is why he had an extra port on his bridge.
I'm having to connect to the internet through a connection we pay for,
I'm connecting though my neighbors internet connection. 
I'm doing it on a bar stool with my ass hanging out in the kitchen.
I rely on the internet for my finances and my knowlege. I spend at least 3 hours a day learning, and reading.
I almost never play games on it. I need this, my bills are back in Vegas, not here.
And I'm having to pray my neighbor doesn't move.
For this, I'm sorry we came. This internet is going to cost me dearly.
I get every day, and I write code for LVDUDE. Now I can't do that in comfort.
If I don't finish it, it'll cost me a lot money.
And LVDUDE is path for early retirement.

Monday, October 3, 2005 3:04:05 AM, From: jim, To: Stories