Captain, it looks like all the life forms on this
I went to get some coffee.
Standing there next to the coffee pot and putting sugar in his tea was the second highest up guy, Dave.
I said with a smile: "HEY, YOU'RE DAVE. I'M JIM. I'M YOU'RE NEW PROGRAMMER!".
He said: "uh huh". I felt worse than if I'd farted in a plastic chair in church during prayer.
The guy didn't even offer me a handshake. He didn't even look at me.
Two people, ONLY TWO PEOPLE, have had the decency to give me eye contact when I first met them.
The grumpiness doesn't appear to be just in my group. 
Everyone in that building seems grumpy.
I hope that kind of courteousy doesn't rub off on me.
If I become that way, I'm joining Skip.
I hate when I miss the opportunity for making a new friend.
I've learned so much by being friendly.
We are social creatures. Until we learn to self replicate, our race can't survive outside of a colony.
Friday, September 30, 2005 1:00:41 AM, From: jim, To: Stories